The GradGrants Center is here to support them in applying for grants and fellowships (both internal and external, including FLAS, Fulbright, SSRC, CAORC, and others). The GGC is a free service for all IU graduate students, administered through the University Graduate School. Our goals are to support IU's graduate students in getting funding and becoming skilled and confident proposal writers. We also meet with students to help them identify additional funding opportunities for the various stages of graduate study (coursework, language study, fieldwork, dissertation writing). Our consultants are grant-winning advanced graduate students, and we work one-on-one with students to give them feedback on funding proposals. Our consultants can point out whether students effectively address the stated criteria for selection, how well they match their proposed course of study to the purposes of the funding agency, and whether they have left out any relevant experiences or qualifications. The students we work with who receive funding tend to start early, get feedback as a proposal evolves, and understand the missions of the programs to which they apply.
Anyone who would like an appointment at the GGC, or who would like more information about funding graduate study, is welcome to contact us by phone or e-mail. We will be closed after the last day of classes (December 10) and reopen on January 10. We recommend that graduate students check out the resources on our web page:
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
IU's GradGrants Center
Funding Opportunities
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Two Graduate Assistant Positions within the NELC Department
Job Description
The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures is seeking a graduate student with superior writing, editing, computer, office, communication and interpersonal skills who is willing and able to perform a wide variety of duties. Responsibilities may include but are not limited to research assignments, creating the department’s newsletter (including writing, editing and production), as well as editing and updating the department’s website, and various office duties. This requires the person to be dependable, cooperative and able to accept instruction and assist with other projects as priorities change. This person will report to the Chair of the Department and the Department Office Manager. The successful candidate should have/be able to:
Applicants should submit a letter outlining previous experience and qualifications, and a C.V. to:
1011 E. 3rd St.
Bloomington, IN 47405
Applicants should submit a letter outlining previous experience and qualifications and a C.V. to:
NELC GWS Applications
Goodbody Hall 219
1011 E. 3rd St.
Bloomington, IN 47405
All applicants must complete the FAFSA (financial aid form) and be eligible to receive federal graduate work-study assistance. Please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance in Franklin Hall 208 (812-855-0321) for further information.
Job Description
The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures is seeking a graduate student with superior writing, editing, computer, office, communication and interpersonal skills who is willing and able to perform a wide variety of duties. Responsibilities may include but are not limited to research assignments, creating the department’s newsletter (including writing, editing and production), as well as editing and updating the department’s website, and various office duties. This requires the person to be dependable, cooperative and able to accept instruction and assist with other projects as priorities change. This person will report to the Chair of the Department and the Department Office Manager. The successful candidate should have/be able to:
- Excellent writing and editing skills
- Working knowledge of Windows, Word, Excel, Outlook, Microsoft Publisher and Dreamweaver
- Assist in obtaining manuscripts of papers from lecturers, and editing and preparing for publication
- Prepare advertising for NELC events
- Design and prepare NELC newsletter
- Create statistical reports and spreadsheets and donor reports/mailings as needed
- Assist with departmental events which may require working evenings
- Assist Department Chair, Director of Graduate Studies and Office Manager as directed
- Perform other departmental office duties as needed, including, but not limited to handling confidential materials, photocopying, sorting mail, answering phones, and providing office reception services.
Applicants should submit a letter outlining previous experience and qualifications, and a C.V. to:
NELC Applications
Goodbody Hall 2191011 E. 3rd St.
Bloomington, IN 47405
Preference in hiring is given to graduate students with interest in the Middle East, who have familiarity in a language(s) of the area, and publishing experience.
Job Description
The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures is seeking a graduate student with superior computer, office, communication and interpersonal skills who is willing and able to perform a wide variety of duties under the supervision of the department office manager. Responsibilities may include but not limited to special events; arranging, scheduling and managing most matters relating to the department’s annual memorial and other lectures. This candidate must be able to assist in the production of the department’s newsletter, constructing, editing and updating the departmental website and perform standard office tasks. This requires the person to be dependable, cooperative and able to accept instruction as well as assist with other projects as priorities change. The successful candidate should have/be able to:- Excellent writing and editing skills;
- Working knowledge of Windows, Word, Excel, Outlook, Microsoft Publisher and Dreamweaver;
- Manage all matters related to the Spring annual NELC lecture, including hosting receptions, preparing programs, invitations and advertising event, assisting in the reception, sending thank you letters to donors and tracking donors and contributions;
- Assist in obtaining manuscripts of papers from lecturers, and editing and preparing for publication;
- Prepare advertising for NELC events;
- Design and prepare NELC newsletter;
- Create statistical reports and spreadsheets and donor reports/mailings as needed;
- Host departmental events which may require working some evenings;
- Assist Department Chair, Director of Graduate Studies and Office Manager as directed;
- Perform other departmental office duties as needed, including, but not limited to handling confidential materials, photocopying, sorting mail, answering phones, and providing office reception services.
Applicants should submit a letter outlining previous experience and qualifications and a C.V. to:
NELC GWS Applications
Goodbody Hall 219
1011 E. 3rd St.
Bloomington, IN 47405
Preference in hiring is given to graduate students with interest in the Middle East, who have familiarity in a language(s) of the area, and publishing experience.
All applicants must complete the FAFSA (financial aid form) and be eligible to receive federal graduate work-study assistance. Please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance in Franklin Hall 208 (812-855-0321) for further information.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Assistant Professor of Arabic - University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Department of African Languages & Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position in Arabic beginning August 2011 at the rank of assistant professor.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. the appropriate area with a specialization in Arabic. Candidates must be able to teach Modern Standard/Classical Arabic at all levels; have native or near-native fluency in Modern Standard Arabic and familiarity with at least one spoken dialect; have knowledge of the historical development of Arabic, of Islamic civilization, and of Arabic-based cultures of Africa; and be competent in linguistic approaches to literature.
The department would value additional competencies in the development of innovative teaching materials, particularly materials that incorporate various technologies to best effect; familiarity with current theories; and an ability to teach in the areas of Arabic literature in translation, literary criticism, classical approaches to Arabic grammar, and/or the linguistic structure of Arabic.
Submit a letter of application and curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference submitted directly by referees to:
Professor Aliko Songolo
Department of African Lang & Lit
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1466 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison,WI 53706
To ensure full consideration application materials must be received by November 24, 2010. Finalists will be required to submit a sample of scholarly writing. Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding applicants must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. A criminal background check may be required prior to employment.
Please contact the Department of African Languages & Literature with any questions: Phone (608) 262.2487 - Fax (608) 265-4151 - Email:
Applicants must have a Ph.D. the appropriate area with a specialization in Arabic. Candidates must be able to teach Modern Standard/Classical Arabic at all levels; have native or near-native fluency in Modern Standard Arabic and familiarity with at least one spoken dialect; have knowledge of the historical development of Arabic, of Islamic civilization, and of Arabic-based cultures of Africa; and be competent in linguistic approaches to literature.
The department would value additional competencies in the development of innovative teaching materials, particularly materials that incorporate various technologies to best effect; familiarity with current theories; and an ability to teach in the areas of Arabic literature in translation, literary criticism, classical approaches to Arabic grammar, and/or the linguistic structure of Arabic.
Submit a letter of application and curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference submitted directly by referees to:
Professor Aliko Songolo
Department of African Lang & Lit
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1466 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison,WI 53706
To ensure full consideration application materials must be received by November 24, 2010. Finalists will be required to submit a sample of scholarly writing. Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding applicants must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. A criminal background check may be required prior to employment.
Please contact the Department of African Languages & Literature with any questions: Phone (608) 262.2487 - Fax (608) 265-4151 - Email:
Employment Opportunities
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Center for Theoretical Inquiry in the Humanities
The Center for Theoretical Inquiry in the Humanities has recently been expanded upon its core reading group to activities including colloquia and speaker’s series and linked or otherwise associated graduate courses on fundamental theoretical issues concerning interpretation in the humanities. In the future, the Center hopes to fashion relevant undergraduate courses as well. Students are invited to peruse its website, and if you find the mission of the center to your liking, please join its listserv (instructions on joining are on the homepage), and participate in our reading groups and events.
To promote inter-departmental and interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching, students are invited to send us the number and topic of graduate courses you plan on teaching in the future that you feel embody the goals of the mission statement, which you can find on our homepage. The Center is especially interested in courses that match its theme for academic year 2011/12: Technology.
Again, if you wish to be made aware of Center and Reading Group events and schedules, please place yourself on our listserv and come participate when the theme and time is right.
For further information, please feel free to contact Mr. Bill Rasch at (
Classes of Interest,
IU Events / Programs
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Call for Papers--AGSA Symposium
The 5th Annual AGSA Symposium,
"The Technologies of Culture: Techniques and Theory"
February 25-27, 2010.
This year's theme is "The Technologies of Culture: Techniques and Theory". The committee invites graduate and undergraduate students in all anthropological sub-fields and related disciplines to submit papers relating to this topic. This theme can be interpreted broadly to include topics such as: the ways humans interact with technology, historical use of technology, technologies of power and knowledge and methodological and pedagogical uses of technology. IU alumnus, Dr. Mark Schurr of Notre Dame University's Anthropology department will be joining us as our key note speaker for this topic.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Paper, poster, and panels submissions for the symposium are due DECEMBER 17, 2010
Call for Papers / Conferences
Call for Papers -- Paul Lucas Conference in History
The Paul Lucas Conference in History at Indiana University presents
Making a Choice: Conflict, Consensus and Compromise in Cultural Change
Hosted by IU History Graduate Student Association
Friday and Saturday, March 4 and 5, 2011
The History Graduate Student Association at Indiana University invites paper submissions from graduate students for its 2010 conference entitled Making a Choice: Conflict, Consensus and Compromise in Cultural Change.
This year’s conference seeks to utilize the idea of agency and choice as a lens through which to encourage a more interdisciplinary discussion that reaches into the local community and engages with a variety of sources and perspectives about the role of the individual, the community and the memories created in the processes of conflict and conflict resolution. The conference aims to highlight intersections of both historical and interdisciplinary value and to engage with multifaceted themes that are particularly relevant to numerous contemporary fields of historical inquiry, both inside and outside the academy. Our hope is to engage with historical topics that not only cross disciplinary boundaries, but that reach within and beyond the social and academic borders that influence our understandings how choices affect cultural change.
We welcome submissions from various disciplines, time periods, and geographic focus. The conference is intentionally broad and invites multiple interpretations of complex issues such as the construction of identity in cultural change, resistance, ideas of agency and power, colonial relationship, identity politics, foreign relations, material culture, community, and contested notions of tradition. In addition to graduate student panels, the conference will also include an undergraduate panel and keynote speeches incorporating the conference theme.
Please submit the items and information below no later than Friday, December 31st. The HGSA Conference Committee will evaluate abstracts and inform participants by January 24, 2011 of their acceptance and panel assignment. Full papers are expected by February 18th, 2011. For visiting graduate students, we will organize accommodations with IU graduate students participating in the conference. The conference is free to IU graduate students in any field. Non‐IU students must submit a registration fee of $30. For more information, please visit our website at
Please submit the following information via e‐mail as an attachment to
1. Paper abstract and title (no more than 250 words)
2. Institutional affiliation and title/position
3. Contact information: name, e‐mail address, postal address, telephone/fax numbers
The Paul Lucas Conference in History
History Department
Indiana University
742 Ballantine Hall
Bloomington, IN 474057103
Call for Papers / Conferences
Seeking a Spring Sublet?
A Turkish PhD student from Paris is looking to share lodgings from January to May-June. She will be here to use the library and practice her English (she already speaks good English).
If interested, please email her at,and make the email for the attention of NILUFER.
If interested, please email her at,
GradGrants Center Position Opening
The GradGrants Center is seeking a graduate student who holds (or is eligible for) graduate work-study funding for an assistantship beginning the spring semester.
THE PROPOSAL-WRITING CONSULTANT/TRAINER is one of two graduate assistant positions which works directly with fellow graduate students in the GradGrants Center, a graduate student service located in the Wells Library-BL, sponsored by The University Graduate School and available to graduate students of all IU campuses. The two consultants handle the day-to-day operation of the GradGrants Center and share training responsibilities (i.e., presenting or enlisting speakers, scheduling rooms, preparing visual aids). Our consultants assist students in their search for external funding sources and are available to work one-on-one with graduate students in discussing and critiquing their grant proposals.
QUALIFICATIONS: Successful proposal-writing experience, editing skills, teaching experience or experience in planning and presenting special-interest training programs, the ability and personality to interact well with the public. A one-year commitment to the position is strongly preferred.
This position provides invaluable opportunity to learn of various funding sources and to improve one's own proposal-writing skills. The experience is extremely valuable to future faculty. The position is a .375% FTE during the academic year (i.e., 15 hours per week) and is eligible for student health insurance. The salary is $9,121 for the academic year (with fee remission) and $2,129 for the summer. The person hired will work half or all of the summer as arranged.
The deadline for applications is Monday, November 29, 2010.
If you are interested (or if you know a student who might qualify), please ask him/her to send a cover letter and vita to Jody Smith, University Graduate School, Kirkwood Hall 114, 130 S. Woodlawn Ave., Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7104,, or fax 812-855-4266. To qualify for graduate work-study, a student would have to complete a FAFSA and talk with Jordan Bissell of the Student Financial Aids Office (812-855-6854 or fws@indiana.edui).
THE PROPOSAL-WRITING CONSULTANT/TRAINER is one of two graduate assistant positions which works directly with fellow graduate students in the GradGrants Center, a graduate student service located in the Wells Library-BL, sponsored by The University Graduate School and available to graduate students of all IU campuses. The two consultants handle the day-to-day operation of the GradGrants Center and share training responsibilities (i.e., presenting or enlisting speakers, scheduling rooms, preparing visual aids). Our consultants assist students in their search for external funding sources and are available to work one-on-one with graduate students in discussing and critiquing their grant proposals.
QUALIFICATIONS: Successful proposal-writing experience, editing skills, teaching experience or experience in planning and presenting special-interest training programs, the ability and personality to interact well with the public. A one-year commitment to the position is strongly preferred.
This position provides invaluable opportunity to learn of various funding sources and to improve one's own proposal-writing skills. The experience is extremely valuable to future faculty. The position is a .375% FTE during the academic year (i.e., 15 hours per week) and is eligible for student health insurance. The salary is $9,121 for the academic year (with fee remission) and $2,129 for the summer. The person hired will work half or all of the summer as arranged.
The deadline for applications is Monday, November 29, 2010.
If you are interested (or if you know a student who might qualify), please ask him/her to send a cover letter and vita to Jody Smith, University Graduate School, Kirkwood Hall 114, 130 S. Woodlawn Ave., Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7104,, or fax 812-855-4266. To qualify for graduate work-study, a student would have to complete a FAFSA and talk with Jordan Bissell of the Student Financial Aids Office (812-855-6854 or fws@indiana.edui).
Employment Opportunities
Thursday, November 4, 2010
NELC Student Organization Movie Night: Caramel
Indiana University Student Building 150 Thursday, November 11 · 8:45pm - 10:30pm | |
95 minutes Synopsis: Six women in Beirut seek love, marriage, and companionship and find duty, friendship, and possibility. Four work at a salon: Nisrine, engaged to Bassam, with a secret she shares with her co-workers; Jamale, a divorced mother of teens, a part-time model, fearing the encroachment of time; Rima, always in pants, attracted to Siham, a client who smiles back; Layale, in love with a married man, willing to drop everything at a honk of his horn. There's also Rose, a middle-aged seamstress, who cares for Lili, old and facing dementia. Rose has a suitor; Layale has an admirer on the police force. Is delight a possibility? Is caramel a sweet or an instrument of pain? For more information on Caramel, please visit: To view the trailer please visit: |
See who's attending the event on facebook:
IU Events / Programs,
Message from NELC
Practice Tests Available for GMAT
Interested in taking the GMAT this year?
Raise your score with, a free online practice test web-page!
Raise your score with, a free online practice test web-page!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Graduate Office Subject: 2010 Travel Award Competition
Applications for the College of Arts & Sciences Travel Awards may be submitted online November 1-December 1, 2010. Awards are usually in the range of $300. Preference will be given to students who have not previously received a Travel Award and for travel during the academic year 2010-2011 (August 1, 2010 -July 31, 2010).
Travel Award winners must provide documentation of their presentations in the conference program following their return from their travels. Travel and lodging receipts are not required.
Please observe the guidelines below:
1. Departments will announce the competition and set an internal application deadline and any specific department requirements.
The College does not require a letter of recommendation from faculty; however, students may include a letter in their application if the department requires it.
2. Students will apply here beginning November 1, 2010:
College Travel Award Application or . A sample travel award application is provided online here or
3. If a department requires a recommendation letter, the student is responsible for contacting the faculty member and providing faculty with the student’s network username here:
Faculty Submits Recommendation Letter or
4. Departments will send the names of faculty to be added or removed from the department's access to view student applications to the College Graduate Office,, by December 1. Once a department’s internal deadline or the College’s deadline of December 1 has passed, the department review committee will internally view and rank the applications with an endorsement of 1,2,3 or Unranked for each applicant. Departments should then nominate up to three applications indicated by a 1,2, or 3 ranking to the College review committee no later than December 5, 2010 . Only three student applications are eligible for College review. Please do not double rank nominations. For example, do not rank all three students forwarded as 1 rankings nor two students with a 1 ranking and one student as a 2.
Departments View, Rank, Endorse, and Check Awarded and Denied List of Applications or
To View
Select either of the links above
Select "Travel Awards"
Select “List of Applications”
Select the University ID of the student’s application the department would like to view
To Rank
Follow directions for viewing applications
· Departments must rank all applications to indicate they have reviewed the application. When the department enters U,1,2, or 3 the status of the application will automatically change from “S” ( pending) to “R” reviewed. If the code remains as “S it will be assumed that the department does not wish to review this application.
The departments ranking categories are:
· U - unranked ( not forwarded to the College competition)
· 1,2, or 3 rankings are forwarded for the College competition and ranked in order of preference.
5. After December 5, the College committee will review your department’s top three nominations.
6. The College will notify each of your department’s applicants as well as the graduate secretary and the director of graduate studies by e-mail with the results (awarded or denied) of the competition by December 31, 2010.
If you have questions regarding the travel award competition or the application process, please contact NaShara Mitchell at 856-3687 or

Funding Opportunities
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Princeton Online Book Sale
Discounts from 10% to 90% off!
Great books at Great Prices
Limited Time Offer and Limited Stock
Books appearing in the sale were all well received and reviewed when they were published. However, our print quantity projections are not always precise. Our overstock gives you an opportunity to purchase oustanding titles at enormous savings.
Sale ends March 31, 2011.
Great books at Great Prices
Limited Time Offer and Limited Stock
Books appearing in the sale were all well received and reviewed when they were published. However, our print quantity projections are not always precise. Our overstock gives you an opportunity to purchase oustanding titles at enormous savings.
Sale ends March 31, 2011.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
2011 Call for Papers
Center for Islamic Studies in partnership with the National Association of African American Studies and Affiliates
National Conference
February 17-19, 2011
Crowne Plaza Executive Center
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Abstracts, not to exceed two pages, should be submitted that relate to any aspect of Islam. Subjects may include but are not limited to: history, Muslim religion, Islam and other religions, concept of jihad, beliefs and practices, role of women, Muslim voice in Western media, Islam in popular culture, etc.
Please indicate the time required for presentation of your paper (25 minutes or 45 minutes).
Abstracts with title of paper, presenter's name, home and institution/organization address and email should be postmarked by: Friday, November 5, 2010.
Send Abstracts to:
Conference Services
Center for Islamic Studies
PO Box 6670
Scarborough, ME 04070-6670
Telephone: 207.839.8004
Fax: 207.839.3776
National Conference
February 17-19, 2011
Crowne Plaza Executive Center
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Abstracts, not to exceed two pages, should be submitted that relate to any aspect of Islam. Subjects may include but are not limited to: history, Muslim religion, Islam and other religions, concept of jihad, beliefs and practices, role of women, Muslim voice in Western media, Islam in popular culture, etc.
Please indicate the time required for presentation of your paper (25 minutes or 45 minutes).
Abstracts with title of paper, presenter's name, home and institution/organization address and email should be postmarked by: Friday, November 5, 2010.
Send Abstracts to:
Conference Services
Center for Islamic Studies
PO Box 6670
Scarborough, ME 04070-6670
Telephone: 207.839.8004
Fax: 207.839.3776
Call for Papers / Conferences
Galilee Institute winter session: "Two Nations and Three Religions in Israel and Palestine"
How is the Sunni-Shia Tension Connected to the Israeli-Palestian Conflict?
“Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, has asserted that
What is the meaning of the connections between Hamas (
These questions and more will be discussed at the Galilee Institute winter session: "Two Nations and Three Religions in
Galilee Institute is currently offering tuition scholarships to eligible candidates.
For more information please contact Mrs. Shiri Salant, Programme Director at
Call for Papers / Conferences
Job Opportunity in the Palestinian Territories
CRS is responding to what has become a chronic humanitarian crisis in Gaza with on-going emergency response activities funded by several donors. Given Israel’s recent easing of its blockade, CRS is now including early recovery activities in its Gaza programming. As part of a consortium, CRS has submitted a three-year, $15 million proposal to USAID for the Palestinian Community Assistance Program(PCAP). The Program Manager II will be responsible for managing CRS’ humanitarian assistance programs in Gaza, training and coaching CRS staff and partners in emergency preparedness and response, and expanding the Cash-for-Work and Cash-for-Internship programs.
Job Responsibilities: Program Quality: 1. With key program staff and stakeholders, ensure program’s strategic objectives and results are fully accomplished and meet expected technical quality standards.
2. Ensure that vision and plans for the program are innovative and are in line with CRS and donor strategies.
3. Oversee periodic technical reviews and manage changes in program direction and focus.
4. In collaboration with program staff, provide guidance and technical oversight to partners and other collaborating agencies to ensure that lessons of sound practice are documented and disseminated.
5. Oversee program's monitoring and evaluation system, using data analysis as the basis for measuring performance. Ensure that M&E learning is incorporated into evolving program plans.
6. Ensure integration of program interventions with other CRS programs or through linkages with other service providers.
7. With program staff, ensure the delivery of quality training, technical assistance and administrative and financial support to all partner organizations, including the selection and coordination of consultants.
Management and Administration: 1. Manage program budgets, including tracking of financial and material resources.
2. Ensure accurate and timely reporting of program finances and progress status, review actual financial performance against the budget, and explain variances on a regular basis.
3. Ensure compliance with all CRS administrative and operational procedures and policies, as well as applicable donor regulations.
4. Approve program expenditures, budget adjustments, and cost modification requests to donors.
Monitoring and Evaluation: 1. Visit project sites regularly to monitor CRS and partner activities.
2. Develop monitoring check list for field staff, in order to track activities and necessary follow up for Gaza-based programs.
3. Monitor project finances to ensure funds are being used according to the approved budget and project objectives, while coordinating and liaising with the CRS/Palestine Finance Department on all aspects of grant management.
4. Oversee correct financial reporting on projects and release payments or advances as per agreement.
5. Compile and submit narrative reports as per donor requirements.
Key Working Relationships: Internal: Deputy CR (Jerusalem-based), Gaza Head of Office, Gaza Field Manager, Gaza programming staff, Operations Manager (Jerusalem-based), Senior Finance Officer (Jerusalem-based)
External: Local partners, USAID, consortium members, UN agencies, and other INGOs.
Supervisory Responsibilities: Commodity Project Officer, Emergency Capacity Building Project Officer, and Cash-for-Work/Cash-for-Internship Project Officer.
1. Masters degree in international development, humanitarian studies, international management or relevant field.
2. Strong communication skills and ability to closely coordinate with a variety of UN organizations, donors, INGOs and local partner organizations;
3. Minimum of five years of overseas experience managing humanitarian response programs;
4. Minimum of one year of emergency management experience.
5. Minimum of three years of experience in USG grant management, including financial management;
6. Demonstrated success in supervising multi-cultural staff in emergency and transition programming;
7. Experience in vulnerability assessments, beneficiary registration, distributions, cash for work, and monitoring and evaluation in emergency situations;
8. Strong organizational skills and ability to handle multiple tasks in a fast-moving environment;
9. Strong coordination and inter-agency collaboration skills;
10. Knowledge of CRS purchasing procedures, financial systems and protocols.
11. Proficient in the use of computer software, including Excel, Word, Outlook.
Working Conditions: Context of social tension and potential conflict. Limited social opportunities. Position requires flexibility and the capacity to deal with ambiguity and change.
NOTE: Gaza is an unaccompanied post with danger pay and two R&R leaves annually.
Language Required: None, although Arabic will be an advantage
Major Responsibilities of Position: Administration, Program Design, Finance, Monitoring/Evaluation, Mentoring/Training, Supervision, Report Writing and Needs Assessment
For further information, please check out:
Job Responsibilities: Program Quality: 1. With key program staff and stakeholders, ensure program’s strategic objectives and results are fully accomplished and meet expected technical quality standards.
2. Ensure that vision and plans for the program are innovative and are in line with CRS and donor strategies.
3. Oversee periodic technical reviews and manage changes in program direction and focus.
4. In collaboration with program staff, provide guidance and technical oversight to partners and other collaborating agencies to ensure that lessons of sound practice are documented and disseminated.
5. Oversee program's monitoring and evaluation system, using data analysis as the basis for measuring performance. Ensure that M&E learning is incorporated into evolving program plans.
6. Ensure integration of program interventions with other CRS programs or through linkages with other service providers.
7. With program staff, ensure the delivery of quality training, technical assistance and administrative and financial support to all partner organizations, including the selection and coordination of consultants.
Management and Administration: 1. Manage program budgets, including tracking of financial and material resources.
2. Ensure accurate and timely reporting of program finances and progress status, review actual financial performance against the budget, and explain variances on a regular basis.
3. Ensure compliance with all CRS administrative and operational procedures and policies, as well as applicable donor regulations.
4. Approve program expenditures, budget adjustments, and cost modification requests to donors.
Monitoring and Evaluation: 1. Visit project sites regularly to monitor CRS and partner activities.
2. Develop monitoring check list for field staff, in order to track activities and necessary follow up for Gaza-based programs.
3. Monitor project finances to ensure funds are being used according to the approved budget and project objectives, while coordinating and liaising with the CRS/Palestine Finance Department on all aspects of grant management.
4. Oversee correct financial reporting on projects and release payments or advances as per agreement.
5. Compile and submit narrative reports as per donor requirements.
Key Working Relationships: Internal: Deputy CR (Jerusalem-based), Gaza Head of Office, Gaza Field Manager, Gaza programming staff, Operations Manager (Jerusalem-based), Senior Finance Officer (Jerusalem-based)
External: Local partners, USAID, consortium members, UN agencies, and other INGOs.
Supervisory Responsibilities: Commodity Project Officer, Emergency Capacity Building Project Officer, and Cash-for-Work/Cash-for-Internship Project Officer.
1. Masters degree in international development, humanitarian studies, international management or relevant field.
2. Strong communication skills and ability to closely coordinate with a variety of UN organizations, donors, INGOs and local partner organizations;
3. Minimum of five years of overseas experience managing humanitarian response programs;
4. Minimum of one year of emergency management experience.
5. Minimum of three years of experience in USG grant management, including financial management;
6. Demonstrated success in supervising multi-cultural staff in emergency and transition programming;
7. Experience in vulnerability assessments, beneficiary registration, distributions, cash for work, and monitoring and evaluation in emergency situations;
8. Strong organizational skills and ability to handle multiple tasks in a fast-moving environment;
9. Strong coordination and inter-agency collaboration skills;
10. Knowledge of CRS purchasing procedures, financial systems and protocols.
11. Proficient in the use of computer software, including Excel, Word, Outlook.
Working Conditions: Context of social tension and potential conflict. Limited social opportunities. Position requires flexibility and the capacity to deal with ambiguity and change.
NOTE: Gaza is an unaccompanied post with danger pay and two R&R leaves annually.
Language Required: None, although Arabic will be an advantage
Major Responsibilities of Position: Administration, Program Design, Finance, Monitoring/Evaluation, Mentoring/Training, Supervision, Report Writing and Needs Assessment
For further information, please check out:
Employment Opportunities
Ethnic Studies Research Workshop, Spring 2011
The Asian American Studies Program, in collaboration with the programs in American Studies, Cultural Studies, and Latino Studies, and The Committee on Native American and Indigenous Studies, announces the establishment of the first Ethnic Studies Research Workshop for graduate students, which will take place on February 18 and 19, 2011.
This two-day workshop will feature graduate students from a variety of disciplines and departments sharing their work-in-progress with one another and receiving feedback and input from workshop participants, including graduate students and faculty. Selected participants will pre-circulate their essays two weeks prior to the workshop. Panelists will give a 10-minute presentation summarizing the main points of their essays, which will be followed by comments by a faculty respondent. Audience members in attendance will have ample time to ask questions and engage in discussion about the topics raised by the presenters.
The organizers invite submissions of 250-word abstracts from graduate students working on topics that fall under the category of “ethnic studies,” broadly defined in either a global or an American context. Submissions may contrast or connect the process of race-making or the experiences of ethnic communities with similar processes or experiences inside or outside the United States. Submissions may also focus on the experiences of a specific community; such papers could consider the internal dynamics of the community and the ways in which social hierarchies can challenge group solidarities or the processes through which the ethnic community defines itself in relation to majority cultures. We welcome essays on other topics as well, and only require that they consider the power of race/ethnicity to shape the lives of diverse groups of people.
Abstracts should be sent electronically via e-mail by November 12, 2010 to
Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, November 12, 2010
Paper Submission Deadline for Selected Participants: Friday, February 4, 2011
This two-day workshop will feature graduate students from a variety of disciplines and departments sharing their work-in-progress with one another and receiving feedback and input from workshop participants, including graduate students and faculty. Selected participants will pre-circulate their essays two weeks prior to the workshop. Panelists will give a 10-minute presentation summarizing the main points of their essays, which will be followed by comments by a faculty respondent. Audience members in attendance will have ample time to ask questions and engage in discussion about the topics raised by the presenters.
The organizers invite submissions of 250-word abstracts from graduate students working on topics that fall under the category of “ethnic studies,” broadly defined in either a global or an American context. Submissions may contrast or connect the process of race-making or the experiences of ethnic communities with similar processes or experiences inside or outside the United States. Submissions may also focus on the experiences of a specific community; such papers could consider the internal dynamics of the community and the ways in which social hierarchies can challenge group solidarities or the processes through which the ethnic community defines itself in relation to majority cultures. We welcome essays on other topics as well, and only require that they consider the power of race/ethnicity to shape the lives of diverse groups of people.
Abstracts should be sent electronically via e-mail by November 12, 2010 to
Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, November 12, 2010
Paper Submission Deadline for Selected Participants: Friday, February 4, 2011
Call for Papers / Conferences
Brown Borderlands and Meeting Points Conference
The History Graduate Student Association of Brown University is pleased to announce its 6th Annual Graduate Student Conference, “Borderlands and Meeting Points,” which will be held on April 8-9, 2011.
The deadline to submit abstracts is November 15, 2010.
Submission Guidelines: Interested graduate students should submit a 250-word abstract by November 15, 2010. Each proposal should clearly state its relevancy to the conference theme. Candidates proposing full panels should also include a 150-word abstract on the organizing theme of the proposed panel. Successful candidates will be notified by early January and should submit final papers by March 14, 2010.
Email proposals to:
Questions should be directed toward Laura Perille ( or Ania Borejsza-Wysocka (
This conference seeks to generate new interdisciplinary perspectives about borderlands and meeting points, putting into conversation fields such as history, literature, anthropology, political science, geography, law, and art. Through these conversations, we will consider the strategies – particularly cultural ones – that are employed at such sites both to pursue particular interests and to engender or resist change. The study of borderlands and meeting points presents us with a methodological and theoretical challenge: to find creative means of giving expression to people and interactions often shaped by charged political and ethnic concerns.
Potential paper topics include, but are not limited to, historical and/or theoretical explorations of the following:
-Urban, regional, and national space and identity
-Ethnic conflict or concord
-Cross-cultural interactions
-Circulation of ideas and materials
-Translation and interpreters
-Trade and commerce
-Religion, missionaries, and conversion
-Gender and sexuality
-Movement, migration and diaspora
Call for Papers / Conferences
Jil Jadid Conference, University of Texas-Austing, February 18-20
The University of Texas’ Department of and Center for Middle Eastern Studies, is pleased to announce that they will host the JÄ«l JadÄ«d Conference, a graduate student conference in Arabic Literature and Linguistics, to be held at the University of Texas – Austin, February 18-20, 2011.
This current generation of graduate students represents one of the largest groups of scholars all working together on Arabic in over a century. The purpose of this conference is to bring together students scattered across areas studies, linguistics, comparative literature and other departments in order to facilitate an open and productive exchange of new ideas, and to build collaborative networks that will last well after we finish our graduate education. By coming together to compare our approaches and methods, as well as our innovative research, we can help set the tone for Arabic studies as we move further into the twenty-first century.
In order to foster productive and fruitful dialogue, this conference will take an innovative approach to presentations. Papers will be grouped into panels of three to four presenters which will combine short presentations with in-depth discussions. Each panel will be led by a moderator tasked with facilitating and directing discussion.
Submitters who are accepted will be asked to provide a 2-3 page summary of their papers at least two weeks prior to the conference, so that attendees may read these summaries and more time can be devoted to discussion than presentation. Presenters will be given fifteen (15) minutes of presentation time, followed by another fifteen (15) minutes of time for discussion. Presenters will be encouraged to use the presentation time to expand on their summaries and then to suggest topics or questions for discussion.
We are pleased to announce that Professors Devin Stewart and Wail Hassan have agreed to give keynote speeches in the area of linguistics and literature respectively, and UT faculty have agreed to offer career development workshops during the conference as well.
All papers on Arabic literature and linguistics will gladly be considered, but we especially encourage submissions on the following topics:
* Beyond diglossia: New approaches to variation in Arabic
* Bringing data to bear: Empirical approaches to Arabic pedagogy and SLA
* Socio-cultural approaches to the acquisition of Arabic
* Asking new questions about old literature
* Literature across Arabic Registers
* Arabic literature in new diasporas
* Arabic Literature, Linguistics and Pedagogy in the Internet Age
Papers which will be also presented at other conferences such as ALS and ACLA are welcome, as we hope to provide a forum for students to further develop and refine their research.
Applicants may submit abstracts of no more than 400 words, not including references, in PDF format. Abstracts can be submitted via the following website:
The deadline for abstracts is November 1, 2010. Abstracts should not include identifying information, *however you must indicate the highest degree you have obtained and your current position (e.g. "M.A, Graduate Student" "Ph.D., Assistant Professor", etc.)* Travel Funding:
We are well aware of the financial restrictions facing graduate students, and therefore a large part of the conference budget will be devoted to providing financial assistance for travel expenses for those who are unable to obtain sufficient funding from their departments.
Priority will be given to attendees with accepted papers, but others are encouraged to apply. Details of the application procedure will be made available following the application deadline. Applicants who will be outside of the US at the time of the conference are encouraged to submit, and will be able to present their papers and participate in discussions in person or via internet video-chat.
Conference fees:
A fee of $30US will be required of all attendees. Checks can be submitted to the following address, and should be made out to the University of Texas, with “Jil Jadid” in the memo section:
Center for Middle Eastern Studies
1 University Station, F9400
Call for Papers / Conferences
Indiana University Linguistics Club Working Papers Online (vol. 10)
The IULC is now accepting submissions for Volume 10 of its Working Papers Online.
The target date for submissions for Volume 10 is 15 October 2010.
Undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty members from all departments are encouraged to submit original papers in linguistics.
Submissions resulting from term papers written for classes or as a result of independent studies are welcome.
Students are particularly encouraged to submit manuscripts that they intend to publish in a journal in the future and to use the IULC Working Papers Online as a stepping stone to a full-fledged journal submission through the review and revision process.
We accept both paper submission and electronic submission. For detailed instructions on submission, please see our website at
Call for Submissions/Journals
Bodies in Flux: Between Articulation and Inscription
Seminar Organizers: Sheila Sheereen Akbar, Margot B. Valles, and Holly Schreiber, Department of Comparative Literature, Indiana University
This panel welcomes papers that theorize the body as a point of articulation for considering world literatures in comparison and/or the concept of World Literature writ large.
In this manner the body, as a universal particular, can be seen as the wellspring of artistic expression without being confined to national, cultural, or linguistic boundaries. Yet, among other ways that it is in flux, the body is host to a tension arising from its dual role as a marker of individual and community identity. As such, the body also serves as a site where national, cultural, and linguistic violence is meted out.
Thus, a central focus of this panel will be a consideration of the myriad and often contradictory ways that the body both engenders the power to represent and also bears the scars of representation. We hope to more broadly discuss this intersection of articulation and inscription in the context of world/comparative literature.
Topics of interest may include, but are not limited to:
- dominant metaphors and narratives of the body in Western and non-Western thought
- the evolution of privacy and its impact on attitudes toward the body
- the impact of photography and film on the body
- trauma, memory, and pain
- the limits of language and communication
- violence, wounds, and healing
- revolution and war
- diasporic and post-colonial expressions
- the monstrous body, voluntary and involuntary bodily mutilations
- feminist texts and practices
- gender studies and the body
Abstracts are due by Nov. 12, 2010 and must be submitted through the ACLA website.
Call for Papers / Conferences
National Society of Arts and Letters Literature Competition
The National Society of Arts and Letters
Bloomington, Indiana Chapter
Competition & Showcase of the Arts, 2011
The National Society of Arts and Letters of Bloomington invites aspiring young writers to participate in its 2011 Literature Competition.
Eligibility Requirements
• Must be between 18-29 years of age*
• Cannot be under exclusive professional management/representation.
• Must be Indiana resident or enrolled as student in state of Indiana.
Manuscript Requirements
Submit only entry in of the following areas;
• Essay of Literary Merit (non-fiction)
• Poetry (10 pages)
• Novel (1 chapter)
• Short Fiction (complete work)
• Play (complete 1-act or 1 act of play)
• TV Script
*Contestants must have reached the age of 18 by April 17, 2011.
Top winners are expected to read from their work at the NSAL Showcase on April 17, 2011. The deadline for the submission of work is January 31st, 2011.
For more information and to apply contact:
Dr Cigdem Balim Harding
NELC, Goodbody Hall 208, Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405
(812) 361-9010 or (812) 287-8202
IU Events / Programs
Graduate Program at McGill University, Montreal, Canada
The graduate program at the Institute of Islamic Studies at McGill University in Montreal, Canada is now accepting applications from talented and motivated students. The Institute of Islamic Studies has two full-time professors, Robert Wisnovsky and Jamil Ragep, who deal with Islamic philosophy/theology and science, respectively, as well as a large team working on our Rational Sciences in Islam (RaSI) project. This team includes Ihsan Fazlioglu, Adam Gacek, Taro Mimura, Reza Pourjavady, Sally Ragep, and Sergei Tourkin.
In addition, we also have a postdoctoral fellow, Keren Abbou Hershkovits, who is associated with our Transmission, Translation, and Transformation in Medieval Cultures project and our Ghafiqi herbal project:
The deadline for applications is January 15, 2011. For further information, please check out:
In addition, we also have a postdoctoral fellow, Keren Abbou Hershkovits, who is associated with our Transmission, Translation, and Transformation in Medieval Cultures project and our Ghafiqi herbal project:
The deadline for applications is January 15, 2011. For further information, please check out:
Out-of-State Events/Programs,
Jumpstart Your Research at the IUB Libraries
Next week, the IUB Libraries Reference Services Department will be offering several workshops to help you develop and hone your research skills. Sessions include:
Explore the best methods for finding your field’s important literature and examine the benefits and drawbacks of using certain search tools, such as Google Scholar.
Explore the essential library resources for historical and literary research on 18th and 19th century topics, including new digital resources that give researchers enhanced access to books, journals, newspapers, and other primary source materials.
Citation indexes make it possible to trace patterns of influence among scholars and scientists. Learn how to set up citation alerts and use search analysis tools to enhance your research in all fields.
Explore the basics of copyright law for authors and learn how to protect and manage your rights.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Jumpstart Your Research at the IUB Libraries
Next week, the IUB Libraries Reference Services Department will be offering several workshops to help you develop and hone your research skills. Sessions include:
Explore the best methods for finding your field’s important literature and examine the benefits and drawbacks of using certain search tools, such as Google Scholar.
Explore the essential library resources for historical and literary research on 18th and 19th century topics, including new digital resources that give researchers enhanced access to books, journals, newspapers, and other primary source materials.
Citation indexes make it possible to trace patterns of influence among scholars and scientists. Learn how to set up citation alerts and use search analysis tools to enhance your research in all fields.
Explore the basics of copyright law for authors and learn how to protect and manage your rights.
To see the complete schedule, workshop descriptions, and to sign up, go to and click on the Faculty & Graduate Student Workshops button. Also, check out our online calendar of events here:
IU Events / Programs
Jewish Studies Fall Graduate-Faculty Workshop Series
"Jews and their Neighbors: Law and Interethnic Relations in the Russian Empire"
Professor Eugene Avrutin
Professor of Modern European Jewish History and Tobor Family Scholar,
Program of Jewish Culture and Society, University of Illinois
Friday, October 15
12:00 noon
Distinguished Alumni Room, IMU
This talk analyzes the role that the law played in the mediation of interethnic relations in the Russian Empire. Historians have argued that Jews lived side-by-side with other ethnic communities for hundreds of years before their mass destruction in the twentieth century. Yet they have failed to explain just how these populations managed to coexist with one another on an everyday level. Between the 1830s and the 1880s, relations between Jews and their ethnically diverse neighbors were not devoid of social conflict, but these disagreements were usually the product of daily economic exchanges rather than a disdain for one another based on either religious or ethnic differences. Drawing on court records and other unexplored archival materials, this talk analyzes how Jews and their neighbors utilized the law to mediate everyday disagreements, which took place in three contact zones in nineteenth century Russia: the neighborhood, the noble estate, and the marketplace.
Participants are asked to read a copy of Professor Avrutin’s paper prior to the workshop. To obtain a copy the paper, please email Melissa Deckard.
IU Events / Programs
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Spring 2011 Class: The Judeo-Spanish Diaspora and the Jews of the Middle East
Professor Matthias Lehmann
From the medieval to the modern periods, Sephardic Jews inhabited the frontier between the Christian and Islamic worlds, between Europe and the Middle East, between “West” and “East.”
This course will explore the history of the Mediterranean Diaspora of Judeo-Spanish communities that emerged in the wake of the Spanish expulsion in 1492, with a special focus on the Judeo-Spanish (Sephardic) communities in the Middle East and in North Africa.
The course will span the period from 1492 to the twentieth century, with a focus on the modern era. Topics explored will include Sephardic responses to the trauma of expulsion, the fate of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews converted to Christianity (the “Conversos” or “Marranos”), the rise of Ottoman Jewry, the transformation of Sephardic communities in the age of nationalism and European colonialism, the destruction of the Sephardic heartland in World War II, and the encounter of Sephardic Jews with Zionism and the State of Israel. Students will write short book reviews, give in-class presentations, and will write a final paper.
From the medieval to the modern periods, Sephardic Jews inhabited the frontier between the Christian and Islamic worlds, between Europe and the Middle East, between “West” and “East.”
This course will explore the history of the Mediterranean Diaspora of Judeo-Spanish communities that emerged in the wake of the Spanish expulsion in 1492, with a special focus on the Judeo-Spanish (Sephardic) communities in the Middle East and in North Africa.
The course will span the period from 1492 to the twentieth century, with a focus on the modern era. Topics explored will include Sephardic responses to the trauma of expulsion, the fate of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews converted to Christianity (the “Conversos” or “Marranos”), the rise of Ottoman Jewry, the transformation of Sephardic communities in the age of nationalism and European colonialism, the destruction of the Sephardic heartland in World War II, and the encounter of Sephardic Jews with Zionism and the State of Israel. Students will write short book reviews, give in-class presentations, and will write a final paper.
Classes of Interest
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
18th Annual ACES Central Eurasian Studies Conference, Indiana University, Saturday, 5 March 2011
The Association of Central Eurasian Students (ACES) at Indiana University invites panel and individual paper proposals for the Eighteenth Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference to be held Saturday, March 5, 2011 on the Bloomington campus of Indiana University.
Graduate students, faculty, and independent scholars are cordially invited to submit abstracts of papers addressing all topics pertaining to Central Eurasian Studies. Central Eurasian Studies is defined for the purposes of this conference as the study of the historical and contemporary Afghan, Balto-Finnic, Hungarian, Mongolic, Persian, Tibetan, Tungusic, and Turkic peoples, languages, cultures, and states.
Submission of pre-organized panels is strongly encouraged. Individual papers are also welcome and will be assigned by the Conference Committee to a suitable panel. All proposals will be subject to a highly selective review procedure. Past panel themes have included:
- Representation and Nationalism in Kazakhstan: Past, Present and Future
- Societies and Cultures of Xinjiang
- Turkic Folklore and Literature
- Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism, and Beyond in Hungarian Literature, Culture, and the Arts
- Tibetan Studies
- Aspects of Imperial and Soviet Rule in Central Asia
- Nodes of Identity
- Explorations in Central Asian Historiography
Submission Instructions:
Proposals may be submitted via the online form accessible at: n.b.
All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract. ACES regrets that it cannot provide any funding to participants.
Submission Deadline: 14 November 2010
Applicants will be notified of their status before 1 December 2010. Please remember that the submission of a proposal represents a commitment on your behalf to participate in the conference. Any queries may be directed to the ACES Conference Committee at
Graduate students, faculty, and independent scholars are cordially invited to submit abstracts of papers addressing all topics pertaining to Central Eurasian Studies. Central Eurasian Studies is defined for the purposes of this conference as the study of the historical and contemporary Afghan, Balto-Finnic, Hungarian, Mongolic, Persian, Tibetan, Tungusic, and Turkic peoples, languages, cultures, and states.
Submission of pre-organized panels is strongly encouraged. Individual papers are also welcome and will be assigned by the Conference Committee to a suitable panel. All proposals will be subject to a highly selective review procedure. Past panel themes have included:
- Representation and Nationalism in Kazakhstan: Past, Present and Future
- Societies and Cultures of Xinjiang
- Turkic Folklore and Literature
- Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism, and Beyond in Hungarian Literature, Culture, and the Arts
- Tibetan Studies
- Aspects of Imperial and Soviet Rule in Central Asia
- Nodes of Identity
- Explorations in Central Asian Historiography
Submission Instructions:
Proposals may be submitted via the online form accessible at: n.b.
All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract. ACES regrets that it cannot provide any funding to participants.
Submission Deadline: 14 November 2010
Applicants will be notified of their status before 1 December 2010. Please remember that the submission of a proposal represents a commitment on your behalf to participate in the conference. Any queries may be directed to the ACES Conference Committee at
Call for Papers / Conferences
Monday, October 4, 2010
Islam & Peacebuilding
The Department of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures,
Voices & Visions: Islam & Muslims from a Global Perspective, &
the Center for the Study of the Middle East
Dr. Qamar-ul Huda,
Senior Program Officer,
United States Institute of Peace, Washington D.C.
Islam &
Theory and Practice
Monday, October 11, 7:30pm
The Neal-Marshall Center, A201
Copies of Dr. Huda’s book will be available for purchase and
signature by the author at the end of lecture.
Dr. Huda is Senior Program Officer in the Religion and Peacemaking Program at the US Institute of Peace Studies and scholar of Islam. His area of expertise is Islamic theology, intellectual history, ethics, comparative ethics, the language of violence, conflict resolution and non-violence in contemporary Islam. He received his Ph.D. in Islamic Intellectual History from UCLA and is the editor of the recently published The Crescent and Dove: Critical Perspectives on Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam (USIP Press, 2010), which provides a critical analysis of models of nonviolent strategies, peace building efforts, conflict resolution methods in Muslim communities.
Please visit Dr. Huda’s webpage for more information;
Graduate students & faculty, please RSVP at for the opportunity to meet with Dr. Huda informally over lunch* on
Tuesday, October 12, 11.30-1pm
Tuesday, October 12, 11.30-1pm
Ballantine Hall, 004**
*Pizza and beverages will be provided for this event.
** Please note room change!
Message from NELC
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Fall Deadlines for International Fellowships
A reminder from the Office of the Vice President for International Affairs about upcoming fall deadlines fall for a number of international scholarships for language training, research and internships for graduate students in many disciplines and world regions. Click on link below or see the list of External Grants for International Study and Research for additional detail. This list is arranged by country/region from earliest to latest deadline for opportunities for graduate students. And earliest to latest deadline for all doctoral research grants.
Germany - Graduate
The Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), supports graduating seniors and graduate students for study or research in Germany in a broad range of academic disciplines. Campus deadlines are October 13, 2010 for Fine Arts and Oct. 28, for all other Fields. Contact: Shawn Reynolds, OVPIA, 812-856-9024;E-mail: General guidelines for applying available here: DAAD Information Sheet for 2011-2012 Grants.
Asia - Graduate
The Luce Scholars Program funds graduate students in a variety of professional fields. It is intended for young leaders who have had limited experience of Asia and who might not otherwise have an opportunity in the normal course of their careers to come to know Asia. The program provides stipends, language training and individualized professional placement in Asia. Campus deadline is October 15, 2010. Contact: Paul Fogleman ( regarding competition nominations.
United Kingdom - Graduate
The Gates Cambridge Scholarships are awarded to graduate students from outside the UK to study at the University of Cambridge. Deadline to apply is Oct. 15; but please note some Cambridge University disciplines have earlier deadlines for admission to their programs. More information at:
Scandinavia - Graduate
The American Scandinavian Foundation offers grants for graduate students to conduct research projects in 2011 in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Deadline to apply for a 2011 grant is November 1, 2010. Additional detail at:
Multiple World Regions - Graduate
The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) for graduate students for overseas intensive summer language institutes in thirteen critical need foreign languages. Scholarship funds intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten weeks for U.S. citizen undergraduate and graduate students. Eligibility and application information at The deadline to apply is November 15, 2010.
Multiple World Regions -Doctoral
The Spencer Foundation provides fellowships to support individuals whose dissertations show potential for bringing fresh and constructive perspectives to the history, theory, or practice of formal or informal education anywhere in the world. Deadline is Oct. 27, 2010. More info at:
Fulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research grant provides funding for social science research that focus on countries outside of Western Europe. National deadline to apply is Nov. 2, 2010. Contact campus representative, Paul Fogleman ( regarding campus deadline. For more information go to
The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) sponsors international dissertation research fellowships for research outside the US. Deadline is Nov. 3, 2010. Detail at:
The International Research Exchange (IREX) provides individual advanced research grants for research in developing countries. Deadline is Nov. 17, 2010 See for more information.
Funding Opportunities
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